Untours Cafe

July 2007 Blog Posts (67)

Half of a Century

This last weekend, I went to my 50th high school reunion. To say the least, it was a mixture of fun and sadness. It was fun to see all these senior citizens who looked vaguely familiar but who sounded just like they did 50 years ago. Everyone had changed, and some had done this more than others.

Our class had 183 members. Less than 50% attended the reunion with spouses or alone. From what I hear, our attendance was pretty good.…

Added by Vance Roy on July 18, 2007 at 12:18pm — No Comments

Fair Trade in Your Town

We learned while visiting Media PA that a year ago, it was recognized as the “First Fair Trade Town in the USA.” Of course, we had to make some purchases at the “Ten Thousand Villages” store. The gifts were received, and became even more important when my niece and grand-niece learned that others would be…


Added by Eleanor - 'El' on July 18, 2007 at 8:28am — 2 Comments

Switzerland 2002 Trip Log Part 1

Tuesday, August 27th this was our first Untours trip to Switzerland. The four of us, Helen, Al and Fred and Jean left Boston, our luggage would be sent directly to the rail station in Meiringen. We didn't have to worry about our luggage. We flew overnight to Zurich Airport. In the morning we were met by the Swiss Team and the other Untourists at the Railway Center. We had our Swiss passes validated and we were on our way to Luzern; then we would train to Meiringen. We didn't know what…


Added by Jean and Fred Agneta on July 17, 2007 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

A Funny thing Happened on the Way to Church

In the fall of 2003, my husband, Earl, my friend, Margaret and I went to Spain with Untours. We stayed in the big (4 bedroom/2 bath) house adjacent to Maria’s house in an olive grove outside of the town of Fuente Tójar.…


Added by Louise Walls on July 13, 2007 at 6:30pm — 6 Comments

RSS -- a plain English explanation of a techy tool that even non-techies can love

Question of the Day(from the Forum): (from a Cafe Member)

" On "My Page" in the left column there is a box marked "RSS". In it it says

"Please click Edit to specify the RSS feed for this box"

Can someone explain to me what a RSS feed is and what I can do with this box?

I'm clueless!"

My Answer:

This short , cute video in the link below is the BEST explanation of RSS feeds I ever saw. The RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication --… Continue

Added by Marilee Taussig on July 13, 2007 at 4:04pm — 7 Comments

Can you be addicted to a place?

I don't know if it is possible, and if it IS possible, can my addiction be Provence? All I know is that when I am home I long to be in certain spots -- and that longing for particular places can be pretty hard to ignore. And I am pretty sure I am not alone in this yearning for a particular spot.

It is different than a general wanderlust -- the desire to go somewhere -- anywhere. It is a deep kinship and sense of hunger for one… Continue

Added by Marilee Taussig on July 11, 2007 at 2:29pm — No Comments

best of the Cafe: New this week on our various member pages, forum discussion and blog posts

Wow, we just have a few members (compared to what we will have when we open it to our larger circle) and already there are so many interesting things going on. Here are just a FEW of the things you can go visit new this week:

  • Pete Haggart jumped in feet first to start blogging (Yay Pete! despite some technical goblins at first...check out his trip log from Spain.) Of course, Vance was blogging before we knew what a blog was and he is continuing to give us his inimitable…

Added by Marilee Taussig on July 10, 2007 at 7:56am — No Comments

The Late, Great Vietnam Untour! (2002)

Vietnam and Cambodia, July 03-24, 2002

Hanoi Airport is a bit utilitarian looking after Singapore you-will-spend-money Airport, but after 34 hours of travel time I wasn’t complaining. Actually the flight wasn’t bad, what with a stop in Amsterdam for cheese toast, nice flight attendants, and some actual space between my knees and the seat in front of me. I…


Added by Amy G on July 9, 2007 at 8:47pm — No Comments

A Bit of Peru and Panama (and I'm not ready to be back...)

I just returned on Friday night from a wonderful trip; the Explorama interaction with the schools is very much in the Untours tradition, I think.



Added by Amy G on July 8, 2007 at 10:32pm — 6 Comments

Isn't this the Truth?

"hope that can never die /Effort and
expectation and desire/ and something evermore
about to be"
The above is from Scott Fitzgerald.

What a great thought!
If you think about it, this is what Idyllers do before every trip. It also works with children and grandchildren.

Added by Vance Roy on July 7, 2007 at 7:25am — No Comments

How we found Untours - Episode (6) Life is Good!

Well it turns out that the doctor's diagnosis was the correct one. I didn't have a brain tumor. On the fifth day of my forced bed rest, I found out something about recovering from Labyrinthitis. It is not a gradual recovery, but a step-by-step improvement interrupted by several days of no change. One day I was depressed with no recovery in sight. The next day I suddenly felt better. From then on I would suddenly get a little better after a few days of no change. I was first able to move from…


Added by Bill Kover on July 7, 2007 at 5:28am — 7 Comments

Switzerland 2006 Part 3

Saturday, September 2nd today we took it easy as yesterday was a long day trip to Lausanne. Used our Swiss Com card to call family and friends; they are always delighted to hear from us in Switzerland. After Mass this evening we are invited to Lydia and Ernst's home for a delicious Swiss dinner.

We had given Lydia 4 cloth placemats and she placed them on the table before we ate dinner. We enjoyed Lydia's Swiss dish, melting cheese and pouring…


Added by Jean and Fred Agneta on July 6, 2007 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Paris Was Awesome!

Frank and I just returned last night from our first Paris Untour. It was awesome! Frank celebrated his birthday while we were there and we celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary also. Two in one week! We went to the Moulin Rouge for one of the evening shows as our special anniversary celebration and it was so worth it. Such history in that place!

I am still jet lagged at this point but wanted to start on the Untours Cafe.

Will write more later.

Au Revoir, Marlene

Added by Marlene Hench on July 5, 2007 at 5:35pm — 1 Comment

Discussion on the Today Show Blog about Hal

I'm sure many of you already have seen this on Idyllchat, but here's a link to the video on MSNBC's Today Show with Bob Dotson featuring Hal Taussig!

Watch the video.

There's also some discussion going on at the Today Show Blog about the segment.

Added by Powen Shiah on July 5, 2007 at 1:57pm — 4 Comments

How we found Untours - Episode (5) It must be a Brain Tumor!

The month of October was spent making final preparations for our trip to Switzerland. Since the delirium of winning the Grand Prize, our enthusiasum had dampened. We weren't looking forward to a grueling tour bus marathon of 12 cities in 7 days. The only thing that appealed to us about the trip was flying business first class. So as our departure date of November 12th approached, our mood was more a sense of dread than anticipation. Our flight was scheduled to depart Newark International…


Added by Bill Kover on July 5, 2007 at 11:46am — 5 Comments

Switzerland 2006 Trip log Part 2

Wednesday, August 30th Eiseniedein was our destination today; with train connections it took 3 hours. We walked up a slight incline to reach the Abbey and Monastery.

The town was very picturesque, with many shops, bakeries and restaurants. We checked out the local ice cream shops, inside the varities were very, very tempting. Of course we stopped and enjoyed ourselves, eating Swiss ice cream.

On the…


Added by Jean and Fred Agneta on July 5, 2007 at 10:30am — No Comments

Is this as It Is Supposed to Be?

I saw Big Al (Al Gore) on TV twice this AM. Once on a liberal branch of the media and once on a conservative network. He is not one of my favorite politicians, as few are these days. In fact, I am hard pressed to vote for anyone right now. I am a Tennessean by birth, but Al isn't one of us, as far as I am concerned. His father, on the other hand, was a tolerable liberal.

My point is this. The first question out of each interviewer's mouth today was about Gore's son who was caught… Continue

Added by Vance Roy on July 5, 2007 at 8:56am — No Comments

Congrats to Hal

Hal's appearance on Today was well done, and I am sure had more than a few viewers scratching their heads. It did bring out the sense of the man, who I am proud to call an undeserved friend.

Added by Vance Roy on July 5, 2007 at 8:28am — No Comments

How we found Untours - Episode (4) September 11, 2001.

We had planned a 6 day trip to the hometown of Norman Rockwell, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, in September followed by a few days with Eleanor's cousin, Richard, in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. It was a little stressful preparing for the Switzerland trip. I'm used to a year's worth of preparation on any big vacation. But we decided to go ahead with the Massachusetts/Quebec trip anyway. We thought that it would be good to get away and relax. In Quebec, we would be staying at the lakeside…


Added by Bill Kover on July 4, 2007 at 4:40pm — No Comments

How we found Untours - Episode (3) How lucky can we get!

Of course Eleanor made a point of getting an autograph and photo of Chris Edwards, WMTR Morning Show Host.

At 2:56pm, they had the drawing for the Grand Prize. It was an absolute total shock when they announced the name....Eleanor Kover. How lucky can you get!

The Grand Prize was a 9 day trip for two to…


Added by Bill Kover on July 4, 2007 at 5:34am — No Comments

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