Untours Cafe

Prague (Adventures in Austria Part 3)

What? Prague... is not in Austria, but I've only been here for 24 hours so I don't really too much to write about where I am just yet. Only that, as always, Prague is beautiful city, the buildings, the people, the way that Castle is lit up at night always make me go all gushy inside.

The rest of the world has definitely discovered Prague, but it's still a joy to walk along the Charles Bridge at night (pretending the other tourists aren't there), and to try to capture that perfect picture of Prague Castle up on the hill.

While I was walking across the Most Legii (Bridge of Legions) towards my apartment (Kampa 2), I noticed many people walking around on dock/pier off of the looking at what seemed to be big glowing icicles sticking out of the water. Well, thanks to a nice zoom lens, it turns out that it is an exhibit -- Art of Can -- that I wanted to see in Philadelphia, but I would have been traveling the entire time it would be in town. Luckily for me, some other pieces of the collection are right here in Prague. Isn't it amazing how things can be connected?

The photos from the exhibit are still on my camera right now, but here's a video I uploaded a few days ago of some musicians playing at a big organic market & festival in Salzburg.

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